Worthingtons Transport Terms and Conditions
Verbal instructions and orders for vehicle movements must be followed up with written instructions (i.e. e-mail or text) prior to commencement of work. Verbal instructions alone cannot guarantee the work being undertaken.
Worthingtons Transport Ltd (Hereafter referred to as ‘We’) reserve the right to make any amendments to the price for any work that differs from the original verbal/written order (e.g. changes to collection/delivery address or excessive waiting times (Over 1 hour)).
We reserve the right to make a surcharge for cancellations or aborted collections/deliveries if done with less than 24 hours’ notice.
Drivers are instructed to fuel vehicles as required, fuel quantities and prices may vary depending on individual vehicle levels or the filling station used. The cost of fuel used on each vehicle movement will be included on the relevant invoice. Fuel charges are based on the current pump prices.
When instructed to collect/deliver any vehicle the owner/keeper of the vehicle must make sure the vehicle has a current MOT certificate and is in a road worthy condition. If not, prior arrangements must be made to either MOT the vehicle before collection or re-book for it to be collected on one of our transporters. Surcharges may apply.
Our drivers are instructed to make the decision on road worthiness whilst on site during the collection inspection. However, our drivers are not mechanically trained and therefore are not required or qualified to make any judgement on the mechanical viability of any vehicle.
If we have to abort the driver at collection because the vehicle is not roadworthy, we reserve the right to charge an abort fee, which will be exactly the same amount as we would have if the delivery had been completed.
In the event that the vehicle breaks down in transit to the delivery location, the customer will be contacted and asked how they would prefer to proceed. We have our own AA road cover for all trade plated vehicles, but this arrangement may incur further costs, and these may not be known until after the recovery has been completed.
All driving staff are instructed to carry out an inspection of the vehicle prior to collection. Damage found will be recorded on their inspection report. The driver will ask for the report to be signed prior to moving the vehicle offsite and also after the handover is completed at delivery. The quality and thoroughness of the driver's inspection is dependent on various conditions, such as weather, lighting and vehicle condition and cleanliness. If these conditions are not favourable, the driver may not be able to complete a thorough inspection of the vehicle. In situations of this nature, this company will not accept liability for any damage missed off the inspection sheet.
Upon delivery of the vehicle the driver will ask for their delivery report to be signed. The delivery report has facilities for recording damage of the vehicle or for making comments regarding the delivery. The receiver of the vehicle is invited to inspect the vehicle and record their findings. Any damage not notified on the POD (Proof of Delivery Note), will not be accepted by us, unless and notwithstanding, we are notified in writing within 24 hours of delivery, and the damage can be viewed by us, via photographs, prior to any repairs.
We will not be held responsible for any damage that cannot be attributed to negligence on behalf of Worthingtons Transport Ltd or their staff; this includes but is not limited to: Acts of God (Storm damage, Bird Strike, Bird Droppings) and Stone chips. Vehicles damaged whilst in our care, which we accept liability for, will be repaired at the customer’s convenience. We will not provide hire cars, replacement vehicles or compensation whilst the vehicle is being repaired. We will not be held responsible for any damage found after this time.
Customers must be aware that if they choose to have a vehicle moved by plate delivery (road driven) minor damage from road surfaces may occur, e.g. stone chips on bodywork/windscreen, tyre damage/blowouts. We take no responsibility for any non-fault road damage whilst the vehicle is in transit. This includes but is not limited to - stone chips of any kind. There is an option to take our stone chip coverage at £3.00 + vat when the job is booked.
If a customer requires vehicle movements that carry less risk of damage from road surface etc. they should opt for delivery by car transporter.
Customers either buying or selling vehicles must be aware that the inspection of this vehicle is completed by our driver. The inspection is meant only to indicate, and record damage found on the vehicle at the time of collection, so that responsibility for damage cannot be attributed to our driver during the transit of the vehicle.
All driven and transported deliveries are covered by our Goods in Transit insurance, which is available upon request.